Video Modeling
By: Cara Kennedy
What is video modeling?
- Video-Based Modeling (VBM)
- “Demonstrates a desired behavior and the student imitates the behavior shown” (Sing, et al., 2013)
- TBI: “Video modeling can promote the performance of previously learned behaviors related to speech, but more significantly it can facilitate generalization of this verbal behavior across untrained words” (Mason et al., 2013)
- Self-modeling- “allows participants to view themselves in situations where they are performing at a more advanced level than they typically function” (Hanouch, 1970)
Video Modeling & Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorder- developmental disorder characterized by impairments in social interaction & communication
- Can be used to develop play skills & life skills/job skills
- “Increased engagement with games and social engagement with their peers,” (Jung & Sainato, 2015)
- Decreases in inappropriate behavior
- Follow-up session: skills were maintained and generalized to a new game
- Systematic review findings: 17/24 studies- intervention was considered effective for improving social communication skills for individuals with Autism (Laver & Wilkes-Gillan, 2018)
- “Maximizes visual strengths, accounts for attention weaknesses and is expected to be a highly motivating and enjoyable activity” (Hanouch, 1970)
- Higher level, higher functioning, Theory of mind
- Baltaxe, C. A. M. (1977, January 1). Pragmatic Deficits in the Language of Autistic Adolescents. OUP Academic.
- Hanouch, A. L. (1970, January 1). Video self-modeling as a therapy tool to improve turn-taking skills in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. WIReDSpace Home.
- Jung, S., & Sainato, D. (2015, April 21). Teaching games to young children with autism spectrum disorder using special interests and video modeling. Taylor & Francis.
- Laver, K., & Wiles-Gillan, S. (2018). Video modeling interventions improve social communication skills for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal. 65(4), pp. 340-341.
- Mason, R. A., Ganz, J. B., Parker, R. I., Boles, M. B., Davis, H. S., & Rispoli, M. J. (2013, January). Effects of video modeling on emerging speech in an adult with traumatic brain injury: Preliminary findings. Taylor & Francis.
- Nikopoulos, C., & Keenan, M. (2006). Video modeling and behavior analysis: a guide for teaching social skills to children with autism. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Nikopolous, C., & Keenan, M. (2015, June 10). Effects of Video Modelling on Training and Generalisation of Social Initiation and Reciprocal Play by Children With Autism. Taylor & Francis.
- Rausa, V., Moore, D., & Anderson, A. (2015, March 31). Use of video modeling to teach complex and meaningful job skills to an adult with autism spectrum disorder. Taylor & Francis.
- S;, B.-C. (1988, September 18). Social and pragmatic deficits in autism: cognitive or affective? Journal of autism and developmental disorders.,is%20part%20of%20social%20competence.
- Sing, C. Y., Carter, M., & Stephenson, J. (2013, December 4). A Review of Video Modelling and Scripts in Teaching Conversational Skills to Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders.