What is Functional Dysphonia?
Dysphonia is a medical term used to describe various voice disorders. Functional dysphonia, specifically, refers to difficulties with voice production in the absence of any anatomical or physiological abnormalities. Some of the main signs/symptoms of this type of disorder include a breathy, rough, or hoarse vocal quality and/ or frequent vocal fatigue.
Types of Functional Dysphonia:
2. Hyperfunctional Dysphonia- This type of dysphonia results from overuse of the laryngeal muscles.
What causes Functional Dysphonia?
Functional Dysphonia can have several causes, but it is often associated withviral illnesses and major life stress.
How is it treated?
Since Functional Dysphonia is a voice disorder without any specific anatomical or physiological cause, surgical and/or medical interventions are not necessary. Rather, these types of disorders are typically treated with behavioral voice therapy provided by a licensed Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP). Voice therapy typically involves a combination of direct and indirect treatment techniques, which are individualized to the patient’s specific characteristics and lifestyle.
-Samantha W.