Speech Therapy And Social Skills
Social skills and socialization are an extremely important part of a child’s life. They go to school every day and spend time with kids their own age. They attend birthday parties and play together during recess. But what happens if they misunderstand social situations or are unsure of how to make friends? Speech therapy can help your child develop the necessary social skills to thrive with peers their own age. What are some ways that we can teach these skills and support them at home?
Act out social situations. Create scenarios that the child might come across in their every day life. What could you say if you wanted to play with someone at recess? What could you say if you wanted to sit with someone at lunch? More social scenarios can be found here: erspective-Taking-Speech-Therapy-Pragmatics-Social-lang uage-403248?st=eda3efd7e1211c64048d014ab7b0bcad
Go through different emotions! Act out different emotions and situations to help the child better understand how others as well as themselves would feel when certain things happen. Here are pictures of different people exhibiting different emotions.
Work through problem solving social situations. How can you react when someone says something you don’t like? What can you do if someone is mean to you? Act out scenarios that require reacting and problem solving to better help the child understand what is okay to say and do and what might not be. Here are some ideas of social situations for older children: ios.html
Use every opportunity you can to teach social skills! A lot of real life situations can be used as teaching moments!