What is Evidence Based Practice?
Did you know that the field of Speech-Language Pathology supports the use of evidence based practice? Evidence based practice is when the use of recent research based evidence is integrated with clinical experience as well as client preferences and values when implementing methods of treatment. Evidence based practice helps ensure that clinicians methods and treatments are backed by reliable and credible research that was proven to be effective. It helps speech-language pathologists provide best possible care and support to their clients. Since evidence based practice involves a clinician’s professional judgement as well as the values of the client this can help tailor treatment to the needs of the individual. Therapists can treat a wide variety of speech, language, feeding and swallowing disorders with the use of evidenced based research. Parents should be educated on evidence based research because it helps families understand the best practices and treatments available for their children. This knowledge can empower families to make informed decisions about their child’s care and advocate for the most effective methods of intervention. It also gives parents confidence that the strategies being used are supported by reputable sources and are likely to yield positive results.
Greenwell, T., & Walsh, B. (2021). Evidence-Based Practice in Speech-Language Pathology: Where Are We Now?. American journal of speech-language pathology, 30(1), 186–198.