Brain Functions
Parietal Lobe FunctionsSense of touchSpatial perceptionDifferentiation (identification) of size, shapes, and colorsVisual perception Occipital Lobe FunctionsVisionCerebellum Lobe FunctionsBalanceSkilled motor activity CoordinationVisual perception Brain Stem FunctionsBreathingArousal and consciousnessAttention and concentration Heart rateSleep and wake cycles Frontal..
Right Hemisphere Brain Damage
According to the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association (ASHA),What is right hemisphere brain damage?Right hemisphere brain damage is damage to the right side of the brain. The brain is made..
Right and Left Hemisphere of the Brain with its Functions
What is dementia? Dementia is a group of symptoms related to memory loss and overall cognitive impairment. Most types of dementias continue to worsen and are usually irreversible. Alzheimer's disease..