A Teacher’s Most Valuable Tool
It’s that time of year again...the start of a new school year! What is the teacher’s most valuable tool? -The voice of course! Did you know that teachers have the..
Playing with Food!
Children learn to try new foods items through their senses of smell, touch, and taste. Providing experiences often increases their acceptance to new foods items. Here are some tips to..
Autism in Art
Debbie Rasiel, mother to a 23-year-old with autism, began a photography project inspired by two things she’s most familiar with: autism and art. Debbie spent two years traveling the world,..
Employment for Individuals with Autism
Autism Speaks created an Employment Tool Kit to support the increasing employment rate among young adults and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. This tool has recently been expanded to include..
The Rising Need for College Programs with Autism
Forbes has discussed in a recent article, the rising need for college programs with autism. With children on the autism spectrum rising from 1 in 150 to 1 in 88..