The Wonderful World of Wordless Picture Books
Literature is a great tool to practice speech and language skills. Here are some of the many language benefits of using wordless picture books. Wordless picture books are great for..
Words to Target With Late Talkers
Children who are late talkers have a harder time imitating speech and using speech spontaneously. When choosing what to work on with these children, it..
5 Reasons to Power Down at Dinner Time
We live in a world of screens; whether it be an iPhone, iPad, television, video game, or computer, it seems like there’s always something for children to stare at. While..
Does my child have a phonological disorder?
What are phonological processes? Phonological Processes are patterns of sounds that typically developing children use to simplify speech as they are learning to talk. A phonological disorder occurs when the..
Pragmatic Speech
What is Pragmatic speech? Definition: Pragmatic speech is language used to communicate and socialize. It involves three major areas. Using language for a variety of functions such as: greeting (i.e...