Executive Function Skills
What is executive function? Executive function are mental skills that enable us to plan, focus attention, and remember directives These skills are controlled by an area of the brain called the frontal lobe...
Ways to Get Involved and Learn More About Dysfluent Speech
Do you, or someone you know experience dysfluent speech? Well you are not alone! ( Picture from: National Stuttering Association) Looking to learn more and get involved? Check out StutterTalk,..
Wake Up Tips for a Productive Start to Your Day!
Summer is in full swing… The days are HOT and the nights are long. However summer is a busy time between social plans, work, maybe coming to speech! 1 more..
The PACIFIER! Using a pacifier for too long can hinder a child's development Children tend to have the most need for extra or non-nutritive sucking (not during feeding) between the..
Increasing Expressive Language
Below are a few target words and examples to model throughout the day to expand expressive language: 1. On - turn on music, put on clothes, put shoes on, turn..