Understanding your Child’s Sensory Development
I was recently asked the question "Should I concerned about my child's sensory development?" The answer is YES! Children are oriented toward sensory experiences. Children experience the world by tasting,..
Understanding Your Child’s Reflexes
REFLEXES A reflex is a voluntary action in which the body responds without thinking about it. Often when we think of reflexes we think of the doctor hitting your knee..
Understanding Sensory Defensiveness: Mealtime Strategies
What is sensory defensiveness? Sensory defensiveness is a type of hypersensitivity that often includes anger or fear towards certain stimuli, and is highly emotional. The stimuli can be tactile, auditory,..
Apraxia & Dysarthria Motor Speech Disorders
After reading last month’s excellent blog post about Apraxia of Speech, I began to reflect on memories back in graduate school, when I was first taking Neurogenic Speech Disorders and..
Early Signs of Autism
Today, 1 in 68 children are diagnosed with autism. Autism is diagnosed based on the child’s presenting symptoms. Children with autism often present with deficits in social communication, speech and language,..