Auditory Processing at Home!
Some carry-over task at home to target Auditory Processing Skills In its very broadest sense, Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) refers to how the central nervous system (CNS) uses auditory information...
Social Stories
WHAT ARE SOCIAL STORIES? HOW CAN THEY HELP MY CHILD? Developed by Carol Gray in 1990 THE GOAL – to share information, gentle coaching or description “The goal of a..
Back to school language activity
An AT HOME language activity to get your child ready for school! Language is made up of socially shared rules that include the following: • What words mean (e.g., "star"..
Practical Carryover Assignments
Turning everyday activities into speech and language opportunities is both functional and effective. Activities of daily living present the most natural setting to learn/practice speech and language goals that will..
Sensory Processing Disorders
A person with a sensory processing disorder may be unable to respond “appropriately” to ordinary experiences. This disorder makes it difficult to integrate information from the five senses (sight, hearing,..