The Importance of Hearing Test
A child with normal hearing develops hearing skills in stages: DetectionChild shows awareness of speech or sound. They detect it but don’t understand what it means. Discrimination Child recognizes that..
Vocal Fold Paralysis
Paresis/paralysis can happen at any age, from birth to advanced age, in males and females, from a variety of causes. The effect on patients could vary greatly, depending on the..
What is dementia? Dementia is not a specific disease. It is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. Diagnosis is made..
Response to TED talk: Building the musical muscle
This blog post is in response to Dr. Charles Limb’s Ted Talk. He performs cochlear implantation, a surgery that treats hearing loss and can restore the ability to hear speech...
What is Zenker’s Diverticulum?
A diverticulum is a side pocket that forms when pharyngeal or esophageal muscle herniates. On X-ray, the diverticulum appears as a round balloon that fills with radiopaque material as the..