Using an iPad as an AAC Device: Myths and Facts!
There is a large variety of communication devices that can be utilized to help individuals communicate effectively with other individuals. Some individuals may not know that an iPad can actually..
Why use ASL with your children?
Some parents may think that using ASL with their young children may replace spoken language, however, it is important to provide education on how teaching and using ASL to young..
September is World Alzheimer’s Month
World Alzheimer's Month is the international campaign that takes place every September to raise awareness about Alzheimer’s. This September marks the 8th World Alzheimer's Month, as the campaign was launched..
Classroom Based Services
SLPs Provide many different services in schools. Therapy can be in the classroom, while the classroom teacher teaches the rest of the class or in a separate setting with the..
The Importance of Carryover with Speech Therapy
What is carryover? “Carryover is a client’s ability to take an individual speech skill learned in the therapy room and to apply it broadly in all speaking situations.” Carryover is..