How Does the Jaw and Jaw Stability Affect Speech?
Were you aware of the role that the jaw plays in articulation of speech sounds? Jaw stability (or instability) can affect kids’ affect a kid's speech sounds in different ways...
The CELF-5 Assessment & Assessing Bilingual Children
Are you familiar with the CELF-5 Assessment? The CELF-5 is widely used by clinicians to test receptive and expressive aspects of language. The CELF-5 includes multiple ‘subtests,’ and is used..
Toys That Everyone Should Have
There are some toys that are often used in speech therapy and for good reason! These are materials that everyone who has kids or works with kids should have. This..
Supporting Your Child’s Speech and Language Goals at Home
What is carryover? It is supporting what is worked on in speech therapy at home. Most of the progress that your child is going to make is going to be..
Speech Therapy And Social Skills
Social skills and socialization are an extremely important part of a child’s life. They go to school every day and spend time with kids their own age. They attend birthday..