Why won’t my child try new vegetables?
March 22nd- Kids often don’t like to eat their vegetables because they’re “yucky” or “taste bad” but we know we can’t let them not eat their vegetables. This youtube video..
Orthographic mapping
March 15th- Learning to read can be very challenging for some children. Learning different ways to teach your children to read is crucial to find the best fit for your..
Working on your child’s language skills outdoors
March 8th- Now that the weather is going to start getting warmer and the snow is melting away, parents are always looking for new ways to get their children outside..
FREE Winter Language Activity
March 1st- What better way to spend a cold winter day than to work on your child’s speech and language goals! Here is FREE no print winter activity that can..
Speech Sound Disorders
February 22nd - By the age of eight a child should be able to produce all of the sounds in the English Language. If a child is not able to..