What is esophageal speech and who is it for?
Esophageal speech is essentially the act of burping out air from the stomach and controlling the articulation within the oral cavity. The speech will reduce frequency and pitch causing the..
What is PROMPT?
PROMPT stands for Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets. PROMPT is a widely used approach proven to be effective for individuals struggling with expressive speech involving muscle weakness and..
A Fall-time Language Activity
Do you ever wonder how you can make speech and language homework fun, or how you can incorporate speech and language into your family activities? Well, apple picking is a..
Easy Onset of Vocalization
What is easy onset and what is it used for? Easy onset refers to the light contact of the vocal folds during the production of a word. The goal is..
AAC Alphabet Boards
This aided low-tech alphabet board has a simple, fixed visual display that could benefit a variety of populations. Most importantly, this type of alphabet board is beneficial for individuals who..