5 Ways to Improve Pragmatic Language in Children with ASD
A very common symptom observed in children with ASD is difficulty with pragmatic language, more specifically the inability to grasp what types of language are appropriate in which types of..
The Benefits of Utilizing a Visual Schedule
For some children, transitions throughout the day or throughout a specific activity can be stressful. Visual tools like photos, words, and numbers are often used in visual schedules. This can..
The Myths and Misconceptions Regarding PECS
Picture Exchange Communication System otherwise known as PECS, is a common alternative augmentative communication system that is utilized with a wide variety of individuals with different cognitive, physical and communication..
What is Wernicke’s Aphasia?
There are two different types of Aphasia: non-fluent and fluent. Wernicke’s Aphasia is a type of fluent aphasia where the ability to grasp the meaning of spoken words and sentences..
Baby Sign Language
Baby sign language is the use of sign language with typically developing hearing infants for the purpose of facilitating communication. It teaches babies keywords that they can use to communicate..