New HBO Documentary about Special Needs!
Hey everyone, Next week HBO is premiering a new documentary called, “Miss You Can Do It”. It is premiering on June 24th at 9pm. The documentary is following a pageant started..
What is cluttering? Is it the same as stuttering?
The American Speech and Hearing Association defines cluttering as a fluency disorder characterized by a rapid and/or irregular speaking rate, excessive disfluencies, and often other symptoms such as language or phonological errors and..
Vocal Hygiene
Vocal hygiene is a major part of treating voice disorders related to misuse and abuse. Some of the more common disorders you might see or hear about are vocal nodules..
What is Fragile X Syndrome?
The National Fragile X Foundation says that Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a genetic condition that causes intellectual disability, behavioral and learning challenges and various physical characteristics. It is considered to..
1 in 3 children diagnosed with Autism have ADHD
A recent study performed at the Center for Autism and Related disorders at the Kennedy Krieger Institute has found that 1 in 3 children with Autism Spectrum Disorders also present..