Voice Disorders
Our voice comes from air passing through the lungs into the larynx. Our larynx is where our vocal folds are, which vibrate to make sound. Voice disorders can occur due to multiple factors. A voice disorder is present when an individual is experiencing vocal discomfort or abnormalities in their vocal quality, pitch, loudness. These disorders can be due to respiratory, laryngeal, or vocal tract issues. They can also be due to problems with communications from the central or peripheral nervous system to the larynx. These can present as tremors, spasmodic dysphonia, or vocal fold paralysis. Additionally, voice disorders can result from vocal fatigue or muscle tension.
- Overuse of the voice
- Screaming
- Throat clearing
- Smoking
- Infections
- Reflux
A voice disorder can only be diagnosed by an Otolaryngologist (ENT), through the use of an instrumentation including stroboscopic light sources. However, Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) are trained to assess, diagnose and treat voice disorders. It is important to see an SLP to receive proper treatment. Intervention can improve vocal production by establishing the best care for each unique individual. Treatment can focus on vocal hygiene, modifying life factors, voice therapy, medication, and if needed, surgical intervention.