Stuttering Modification Technique
What is the Stuttering Modification Technique?
The stuttering modification approach was developed in the 1930’s by Van Riper. This approach is a fairly intensive 4 phase system used to manage the individuals stutter by “modifying,” or “unlearning,” maladaptive behaviors cultivated during stuttering as well as reducing the severity. This approach can be provided in both individual and group therapy. The target population includes individuals of all ages; however, this approach is more beneficial for individuals who are both aware of their stuttering and willing to discuss their stuttering experience and is typically not preferred for individuals who are in the early stages of stuttering.
The 4 Phases:
- Identification
- Used to improve a person who stutters understanding of how they stutter in relation to when they are speaking
- Identify behaviors by reading aloud, spontaneous speech, modeling stuttered behaviors and self-observation
- Desensitization
- Desensitize the person who stutters to the expectation and experience of stuttering
- Desensitize by direct confrontation and pseudo stuttering
- Modification
- Cancellations
- Complete stutter and then go back to the disfluent word and say it with a preferred technique
- Pull Outs
- Reduce tension during the stutter by “pulling out” of the disfluency and restarting
- Preparatory Sets
- PWS anticipates a word to be difficulty, they continue to speak through it slowly and say all sounds calmly
- Stabilization
- Generalization and maintenance of learned techniques are carried over spontaneously
- Cancellations
Taylor Howell, MS, CF-SLP, TSSLD