#1 Baby Sign Language
Baby sign language may open up the lines of communication with your infant and is a great way to give parents and their baby opportunities to bond. Before beginning to teach a baby sign, parents should familiarize with common signs through the use of books, websites, or specialists. When introducing signs, parents just first start with sings that describe routine, requests, activities and objects in their child’s life. Furthermore, parents should be consistent and these signs as much as possible. Below are some basic sings for parents to teach their baby:
Sign: More
Tap fingertips together twice
Sign: Done
This sign will help babies’ transition between activities and mealtimes. To implement, show that nothing is in your hands.
Sign: Sleep
Signing to sleep to your child is a great way to implement a bedtime routine. Also, babies can let their parents know they are tired.
Sign: Medicine
Teaching your baby this sign is great way for when babies are teething to let their parents know they want medicine to ease their pain.
Sign: Eat
During mealtimes, parents can use this sign in combinations with saying “Do you want to eat?” or “Let’s eat another bite.”
Click on the link below to learn more signs and how to produce them!